Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.

1962-63 陳玉麒 George
Past Grand Master David WK Au

1962-63 MW
George Chen



George Chen

The 9th Grand Master M.W. Brother

George W. Chen was elected and installed GM of the GLOC Oct 27 1962. He is the ninth G, of the GLOC.

He was born of Chinese parents in the USA to where his father migrated from Canton China in 1880. His mother was born in the USA of Chinese parents who also migrated from Canton, China in early 1850’s. The family settled in Marshfield, Oregon, where he was born, the second son of a family of nine, on Mar 23 1906.

He received his elementary and high school education in Marshfield, Oregon, graduated in 1924 from Marshfield High School with honor. He then attend Oregon State College for two years and the Stanford University for two years from where graduated with a B.A. degree in Economics in 1928. He came to China in 1931.

On Feb 27 1940 he married Pearl L. Chan of Berkeley, California. They have one son, Victor Gene, who is now a senior at the Taipei American High School.

Mrs. Pearl Chen graduated from the University of California ar Berkeley and eas a graduate student at the University of Hawaii. She has served two terms as Secretary of Yangminsan Chapter Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs Chen is a very well-known person in her own right, having been personal secretary to Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, the First Lady of the ROC, for over 27 years.

GM Chen has spent the last thirty years in China, eighteen of which were in various cities on the Chinese Mainland. For fifteen years he was Chinese Manager of the Thomas De La Rue & Co., Ltd., banknote engravers and printers. When the Chinese mainland fell to the Communists, he followed the Government of the ROC to Taiwan where he spent six years as Advisor to the Foreign Affairs Service Department of the Combined Service Forces before returning to the business field. Since 1960 he has been connected with the Civil Air Transport, the Far East regional air carrier flying the Chinese flag as Assistant to the Director of Traffic Services.

Our GM has been a Mason for over thirty-one years. He was raised to the sublim degree of Master Mason in High Twelve Lodge No 82 in Oct 1031, in Manila, Philippine Islands. In November 1931 MW Brother Chen departed for Shanghai China, where he attended the Consecration of the first Masonic lodge to be chartered for Chinese membership. In 1940 after the Japanese had occupied most of the China mainland and masonry was in darkness, he, with a small group of brothers who withdrew to Chungking with the Government of the ROC during WWII, worked to rekindle the light of Free masonry in unoccupied China by obtaining a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of California to establish Fortitude Lodge UD in the wartime capital of Chungking. This Lodge functioned until after V.J. Day when the brethren returned to their former places of abode. The GM was not only one of the Founder of Fortitude Lodge UD., but also is Senior Deacon during his last year in Chungking.

In Mar 1949, the GLOC was consecrated in Shanghai, but its existence was of short duration. Within a few months Masonry in China was again in darkness due to the advance of Communism on the mainland.
In 1950 MW Bro Chen was call to Taipei Taiwan, the capital of Free China to assist the Government of the ORC in the implementation of the Sino-US Mutual Aid Agreement*. From the date of his arrival in Taipei he was again very active in bring Masonry from darkness to light in China. Masonic activities on Taiwan began with a Square and Compass Club of which MW Bro Chen was President in 1958-59. In 1954 Liberty Lodge UD was established; and when it received it’s Charter in 1956, our present GM was its reigning Master. He has held two appointive and five elective offices in the GLOC since 1956.

In addition to his Masonic activities, GM Chen has also served as President of the Stanford University Alumni Club of Taiwan, as a member of the Executive Committee, American University Club, Taiwan, and as Secretary of the Aloha Lambda Club.

1962-63 陳玉麒 George
1962-63 陳玉麒 PGM George

George Chen

1962-63 PGM, GLOC


第九屆總會長 陳玉麒尊兄

陳玉麒尊兄(George W. Chen)於 1962 年 10 月 27 日當選並任命為中國美生總會的第九任總會長。

他的在美國出生,他的父親於 1880 年從中國廣東移民到美國。他的母親出生在美國,母親的父母在 1850 年代初從中國廣東移民到美國。 1906 年 3 月 23 日,全家定居在俄勒岡州的馬什菲爾德,陳玉麒尊兄是九口之家的第二個兒子。

他在俄勒岡州馬什菲爾德接受初等和高中教育,1924 年以優異成績從馬什菲爾德高中畢業。然後,他在俄勒岡州立大學學習了兩年,並在斯坦福大學學習了兩年,並獲得了學士學位。 1928年獲經濟學學士學位。1931年來華。

陳總會長1940 年 2 月 27 日與陳纯廉女士 (Pearl L. Chan) 結婚,二人育有一子 Victor Chen,曾就讀台北美國高中。

陳纯廉女士 (Pearl Chen)出生於美國舊金山,畢業於加州大學伯克萊分校英國文學系,並在夏威夷大學攻讀研究生。她曾擔任兩屆東方之星陽明山分會的秘書。陳纯廉女士本身就是一位非常知名的人物,自從30年代即擔任蔣夫人宋美齡*的英文祕書超過 27 年。
*畢業於麻薩諸塞州的威爾斯利學院(Wellesley College)主修英國文學、副修哲學和歷史,畢業時得到學校頒予“杜蘭特學生”的稱號,這是該學院授予學生的最高榮譽稱號。

過去三十年陳總會長均在中國度過,其中十八年在中國大陸的各個城市。十五年來,他一直擔任集防偽印刷、造紙與造幣為一體的英國德拉魯公司(Thomas De La Rue & Co., Ltd.)的鈔票雕刻師和印鈔機的中國經理。當中國大陸淪陷後,他跟隨中華民國政府到台灣,在轉向商業領域之前,他在台灣擔任了六年的聯合服務部隊外事服務部顧問。自 1960 年以來,他一直在民航空運公司(Civil Air Transport)工作,這是一家懸掛中華民國國旗的遠東支線航空公司,擔任交通服務總監助理。

陳總會長加入美生會已超過 31 年。 1031 年 10 月,他在菲律賓群島馬尼拉的 High Twelve Lodge No 82 被提升為石匠大師。 1931 年 11 月,陳總會長啟程前往中國上海,在那裡他參加了第一個被特許為中國會員的美生會分會的祝聖奉獻成立儀式。 1940年,在日軍佔領中國大半土地,美生會陷入黑暗無法活動。陳總會長與一小群二戰期間隨中華民國政府撤回重慶的兄弟,努力在未被佔領的中國重燃美生之光,通過獲得加利福尼亞州美生總會的特許,在戰時首都重慶建立堅廬特許分會(Fortitude Lodge U.D.)。這個分會一直運作到二戰勝利,兄弟們回到原來住處的日子。陳總會長不僅是堅廬的創辦人之一,也是堅廬在重慶最後一年的會監。


1950年,陳總會長兄弟奉召到自由中國首都台北,協助政府執行中美共同防禦條約(Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty) *。從他抵達台北之日起,他再次積極致力於在中國將黑暗帶向光明。美生會在台灣的活動始於方圓會(Square and Compass Club),陳總會長在 1958-59 年擔任方圓會主席。 1954年自由廬(Liberty Lodge U.D.)成立;當它在 1956 年獲得正式授證時,陳總會長是當時自由廬的會長。自 1956 年以來,他在中國美生總會擔任過兩個派任職位和五個選任職位。
*《中美共同防禦條約》(SAMDT),正式名稱為《美利堅合眾國與中華民國共同防禦條約》,是美國與中華民國(台灣)簽署的防禦條約,有效期為 1955 年至 1980 年。它的目的是保衛台灣島免受中華人民共和國的入侵。在Goldwater v Carter訴訟失敗後,其部分內容被納入1979 年的《台灣關係法》。該條約於 1954 年 12 月 2 日在華盛頓特區簽署[2],並於 1955 年 3 月 3 日生效。該條約支持中華民國維護其作為整個中國大陸唯一政府的合法性,直至 1970 年代初。在冷戰期間,該條約還幫助美國決策者制定了與韓國和日本一起在東亞遏制共產主義潛在蔓延的政策。該條約由十個主要條款組成。條約的內容包括,如果一國受到攻擊,另一國將提供援助和軍事支持。

除了他的美生會活動,陳總會長還曾擔任台灣斯坦福大學校友會主席、台灣美國大學俱樂部執行委員會成員以及Aloha Lambda 俱樂部秘書。