Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.

1968 蔣緯國
Past Grand Master David WK Au

1968-69 MW
W.K. Chiang



W.K. Chiang

The 15th Grand Master M.W. Brother

Lieutenant General Wego W.K. Chiang comes from a distinguished family that has lived for generations in Fenghwa county, Chekiang province of the Republic of China, and was born in Shanghai in October 1916. After majoring in physics at Soochow University, he entered the military life and was commissioned as an Army Second Lieutenant of Infantry in 1936.While serving as an aide-de-camp to General Chiang Pai-li, China’s most famous military strategist and tactician then, during the latter’s visit to Germany, shortly later he became a home guest of General von Reichenau for more than half a year. These two military leaders’ personal teaching and guidance, aside from the influence of his distinguished family, were of great benefit to his career.

Shortly afterwards he was sent to German troops for a formal and thorough military training including re-enlistment in the 98th Regiment of the Mountain Corps at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Military Academy education at Munich, commission as a Second Lieu-tenant in the German Army, and battlefield experience during the “Anschluss” and at Sudetenland. In the United States he attended the Army Air Corps Tactical School, the Army Command and General Staff College, and the Army Air Defense School, for its missile training besides his practice with the Armoured Center at Fort Knox in 1940.

In the Army of the Republic of China he has served in infantry and then the armoured troops, from the platoon level to the Armoured Force Command as commander and executive as well as staff officer. At the Ministry of National Defense, he also served

as J-3(Operation)and J-5(Organization and Training). He was the Commandant of the Army Command and General Staff College (a combination of Army C&GSC and Army War College), from 1 September 1963 to 31 Aug.1968. He is now Vice commandant of the Armed Forces War College. He was promoted to Lieutenant General on 1 January 1960.

For ·his distinguished battlefield service he has been awarded the Yun-hui, Pao-ting, Sheng-li and Kuang-hua medals. He has also received ten (10) decorations from Nine (9)governments of the Far East, Middle East, North Africa, and Central and South Americas for his outstanding contribution to military cooperation with the armed forces of the respective nations.

His published military writing include “Maintenance of In-fantry’s Combat Effectiveness on the Battlefield,” “Anti-armour and Anti-airbrone Operations,” “The Training and Management of the Officer Corps and Non-Commissioned Officer Corps,” “Mobilc Warfare,” and “Principles of Military System.”

As a Master Mason, he was raised in Liberty Lodge No.7 on Dec.7th. 1957 and ever since he has treaded the Masonic ladder rung after rung as follows;

He was elected Master of Szechwan Lodge No.4-1960-1962; Master of Liberty Lodge No.7-1964-1965; Became a Scottish Rite Mason in 1958 and conferred with K.C.C.H. in 1965; elected Venerable Master of the Taipei Consistory in 1967; Coroneted with the 33rd. Degree in Dec.1967.

He was elected Grand Junior Warden in 1965; Grand Senior Warden in 1966;Deputy Grand Master in 1967 and Grand Master in October 1968.

1968 蔣緯國

W.K. Chiang

1968-69 PGM, GLOC


第15屆總會長  蔣緯國尊兄

蔣緯國中將 1916年10月生於上海,祖籍浙江省奉化縣世代望族。 畢業於蘇州大學物理專業後,1936年開始他的軍旅生涯官拜陸軍少尉,在當時中國最著名的軍事戰略家和戰術家蔣百里將軍訪問德國期間,擔任他的副官。在蔣百里將軍訪問德國期間,不久後他成為沃爾特·馮·賴歇瑙將軍的家賓半年多。 這兩位將領的親自教導和指導,加上名門望族的影響,對他的仕途大有裨益。

不久之後,他被派往德國軍隊接受正式和全面的軍事訓練,包括重新入伍在加米施-帕滕基興的第 98 山地軍團,在慕尼黑的軍事學院接受教育,在德國陸軍中擔任少尉, 德奧合併期間和蘇台德地區的戰場經驗。在美國,他曾就讀於陸軍航空兵戰術學校、陸軍指揮與參謀學院和陸軍防空學校,除了在裝甲部隊實習外,還參加了1940 年在諾克斯堡中心的導彈訓練。

在中華民國軍隊中,他先後在步兵和裝甲部隊服役,從排級到裝甲部隊司令部擔任指揮官、行政人員和參謀。 他還曾在國防部任職

擔任作為第三廳(操作)副廳長和 第五廳(組織和培訓)廳長。 從 1963 年 9 月 1 日到 1968 年 8 月 31 日,他是陸軍指揮與參謀學院(陸軍指參學院和陸軍戰爭學院的結合)的院長。 他現在是武裝部隊軍事學院的副院長。 1960年1月1日晉升中將。

由於他出色的戰場服務,他被授予雲輝、寶鼎、勝利和光華勳章。 他還獲得了來自遠東、中東、北非和中南美洲九 (9) 個政府的十 (10) 勳章,以表彰他對與各自國家武裝部隊的軍事合作做出的傑出貢獻。

他發表的軍事著作包括“步兵在戰場上的戰鬥力的維護”、“反裝甲和反空中作戰”、“軍官團和士官團的訓練和管理”、“機動戰、 ”和“軍事系統的原則”。

他於1957 年12 月 7 日在自由廬第七分會提升為工師美生,他踏上了美生會的階梯。

1960-1962年擔任川廬第四分會會長,1964-1965擔任自由廬第七分會。 1958 年成為慈修會會員,並於1965年授予 K.C.C.H. ,1967年當選台北慈修會會長,1967年12月加冕為第 33 級。

他於 1965 年當選為副總會監,1966年當選為總會監,1967年當選為副總會長,1968年10月當選為總會長。
